Contact Us

For general enquiries you can email us at:

For event enquiries, you can contact us at:

To contact the team about our project work or grant applications email us at:

Or you can phone us on: 0113 730 3180

Let's get social

A big part of the help we need is raising awareness. It's important that the social, emotional and financial challenges faced by children in Yorkshire don't go unseen. It's vital that those children and their families know that there's help out there. And, we want people to know if they want to help; we can show them how and where that help will make the biggest difference.

So; the one small thing you can do is spread the word on social media. Follow us; look out for our updates and (if you can) share them with others; it really does make a difference.

We care about meeting the expectations of our supporters and ensuring that the funds we raise are spent responsibly. And we are committed to building a legacy that will benefit generations of children to come.

Are you interested in helping make things better?

If you want to make things better, you can. Donations of money is always great; but we also need volunteers to help out; or people willing to donate valuable skills from PPC to plastering.