Help for Schools

Schools Out

Our Schools Out events canā€™t cure or take away a child's worries. But they can - and do - provide much-needed respite for young people and their families.

How we make a difference

Schools Out is a series of day trips for disabled children and children (4-11 years) living in deprivation, who attend schools with high pupil premium rates. The purpose of Schools Out, first and foremost, fun! The children we support face daily hardship. So we provide a space for them to be exactly what children should be ā€“ carefree

A much-needed respite for young people and their families

Our young people face hardship and challenges, from poverty, violence and abuse to a lack of social inclusion, chronic pain and arduous hospital visits.

Our Schools Out events canā€™t cure or take away these worries. But they can ā€“ and do ā€“ provide much-needed respite for young people and their families.

At Yorkshire Childrenā€™s Charity, we work closely with our community of schools throughout the year to provide practical, tangible help to young people in our region.

Enjoy, explore and engage in the world around them

This includes hosting four flagship fun days for children who are at a disadvantage in life due to disability, ill health, or financial circumstance. Schools Out days give these children the opportunity to enjoy, explore and engage in the world around them, and be what children should be; carefree.

What is the name of the school?
Please choose which school type best suits your school
School Address(Required)
This is the main phone number for the school
This is the main phone number for the school
What is the age of your youngest pupil?
What is the age of your oldest pupil?
How many pupils are in your school?
Representative Name(Required)
E.g. SEN Co-ordinator
What is the best number to call you on?
What is the best address to email you at?
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Are you interested in helping make things better?

If you want to make things better, you can. Donations of money is always great; but we also need volunteers to help out; or people willing to donate valuable skills from PPC to plastering.